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This is the in-class activity for Thursday January 20.
The materials that you will need for this in-class activity are:

In Class Activity: Create Data for Intent Determination

Today in class you will create a set of data for intent determination for text adventure games. In our first version of the Text Adventure Game, we had a simple keyword-based method of handling the player’s intent. The parser implemented a function called get_player_intent that took in a player’s command and then decided which of the following actions a player was trying to accomplish:

  • Move to a new location
  • Examine an object
  • Get an object
  • Drop an object
  • Perform a special action using an object
  • Check the player’s inventory
  • Redescribe the scene
  • Perform a sequence of actions

The Colab Notebook will guide you through creating some data that we’ll use to train a model to perform intent detection, instead of using keywords.

It’ll take about 20 minutes to complete this annotation. We’ll do this as an in-class activity. If you’re watching the video remotely, you can upload your annotations to gradescope anytime before Monday, January 24, 2022 by 11:59PM.

The results will be saved into your Google drive as a JSON file.

What to do

  1. Open the Colab Notebok for Collecting Intent Detection Data.
  2. Choose Runtime > Run all.
  3. The Colab Notebook will ask “Permit this notebook to access your Google Drive files?”.
  4. Scroll down to the “START HERE: Annotate Data” section of the notebook
  5. Complete the interactive annotation activity. It will save a JSON file to your Google drive.
  6. Please submit your JSON to Gradescope by Monday, January 24, 2022 before 11:59PM.
  7. Time permitting you can go on to the next section, “Use OpenAI For Intent Detection”, which will show you how to use your intent detection data to create a prompt and how to predict the intents for previously unseen user input.